Sunday, February 21, 2021

Valentines Day 2021

 We are not big Valentine day people. We have never done dinners or gifts of even cards. 

However, this year Tyson was so excited to surprise me and the girls. He scheduled a nail appointment, got us balloons, and made homemade cards.

So sweet! We got him some favorite treated and some Dr. Pepper. 

I am so thankful we don't go all out for these holidays. It's right before my birthday - and it just feels so commercial. 

For my birthday, it was also really chill. I worked and it was so nice to have light work that day. Then Tyson and I went to lunch at Panera Bread and I got a birthday scone. Then the Ashby's dropped off some sweet Buntlets. 

Saturday, the blakely's took us out to dinner at the Old Spagethi Factory - it was loud but really fun! 

So thankful for another year. So thankful for the growing through work and pareting. So grateful for the gospel and for minimalism. Thankful for Tyson and the girls. 

London Turns 8

 Our feisty London,

Happy birthday. This was supposed to be your big birthday party year - and we still hope we have it - but just in a few months. 

This year you were really interested in makeup and feeling like a big girl. You are so excited to be back in school but you have honestly really struggled. All the change, remote learning, mask wearing - has really taken a toll on you. Sometimes you are ok and sometimes its too much. You are still working hard on reading. Sadly you gave slipped back.

The amazing thing is that you are loving to read more and more. You love to have me or dad lay down next to you at night and you read to use. We have to help you but you love it when it goes fast. I'm grateful for your fighting spirit. 

We have learned that you are a natural with fishing and love it. You are a natural with cooking and babies. 

You are learning to take better care of your emotions and you are working on being a kind friend. 

You also love fiercely. You freely give us hugs and kisses. So we get extremes. I love you little London. You are a great leader and something you will move mountains. 


So excited for a Caboodle and makeup

Birthday Dinner with the blakely's

Getting a Tshirt and nail color from Grandma Gerber


 We are entering the final week in February. It's been such a fun and short month. The weather has been crazy. The entire country has been going through a massive freeze and places that have not seen snow (like Texas and the south) have been through a horrible week of freezing temperature. Pipes are frozen, food is low, heat out for entire days! ... so crazy. We are so thankful for our warm little house and that Colorado is used for this kind of weather. 

The girls did a WWF fight with stuffies. It was hilarious!

Valentines day parties at school

Lots of snow and shoveling. 

girls trying to build a slide with Tyson

Sydney got student of the month award! 

So proud of Sydney! 

Friday, February 5, 2021