Downtown Fort Collins |
Visiting the blakely's and going to the temple |
final day of school |
final day of school |
London's Titanic Ship project |
We made it to the end of the school year! Sadly we had snow on May 21st - but we made it. London got the Hawk Star award and was able to go to Donuts with the Principal. The girls loved relaxing more.
This summer Tyson starts school on May 31st, so we went out early and headed to Telluride May 25th - May 29th.
The girls loved their Teachers. Sydney had Mrs. Hill and London had Mrs. Taylor. This year was tough - both girls struggled with things - mostly social. But they grew, we had some powerful conversations and I think we all stayed humble.
Next year is Sydney's last year and I am sad we are ending our time at Ryan. Ryan has been such a huge part of our lives. I am thankful for all the teachers and principal that have worked with us.