Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Quick Trip To Utah - October 2024


We had a great time during our quick 4-day trip to Utah.

The girls had Monday off and so we decided to go and have them skip school on Friday so we could go spend some time with cousins and just be with family. Straton picked us upfrom the airport, it was so sweet and then he dropped me and Sydney and London off of my parents house. Then Tyson and Straton got to spend two whole days together. They went to an Aggie game (to watch them lose in real life). They went to a Logan Pumpkin Patch and toured the new firefighter station. They had a really great bonding brother time.

Meanwhile me and the girls had a blast hanging out with Logan and Owen and my family. We really just spent time as family, ate yummy food, enjoyed the beautiful warm fall weather. We went hiking on Saturday and Draper and that was so beautiful. Then we went to breakfast at IHOP and enjoyed their famous pancakes. After we came home and relax and got ready for a quick hot dog party at Martin's house.

The weather was so pretty. Then Saturday night we just hang out at Jael's house. Sunday we were lucky enough to be able to go to the Grand America downtown. We walked and saw the renovations at the updated Temple Square. Then we had a quick bite at the Grand America. And we headed to my Abuelita's house in Kaysville. We hung out there for a few hours, and I gave her the new school photos for the girls, which she loved.

Straton dropped off Tyson at my Abuelita's house, and then we all came home and relaxed. Jael and the boys came over Sunday night and we had food and hung out and just enjoyed each other.

 On Monday, everybody went back to work, Tyson and I did laundry and got ready to come home. Steve gave us a ride to the airport and it was a pretty awesome and uneventful flight back.

We got home and unpacked and got ready for the next day. It was such a quick short trip - it almost felt like it wasn't real but I'm really glad we made the effort to go see family. Family is super important and maybe it's because we live far away from them that we appreciate them.

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