Swimming with the Ashby's |
4th of July Bike Parade |
Happy 4th of July |
Fireworks in our backyard |
wanna be manaquins |
Hiking Look Out Mountain |
Our new neighboors |
4th of July BBQ |
Straton Visiting |
Farewell lunch with Joe and Kathleen |
Hiking Boulder Falls |
Boondocks with Abby |
Getting Summer Haircuts |
July so far has been SO awesome and SO wonderful. Most likely the reason why we are enjoying everything is that we finished the kitchen - so we feel SO much more relaxed.
Here is a recap of things we have done.
1. Hiking - new places and love the time on the weekends
2. 4th of July and Straton visiting
3. BBQ with neighboors
4. Saying goodbey to Joe and Kathleen and meeting the new neighboors
5. Cargo bike rides, eating ice cream and being outside
6. Working outside under our amazing tree
7. buying new shoes