Friday, January 31, 2025

January 2025 + Florida Continued


We spent the first 8 days of the year in Florida. It was lovely to be in the sun. It was nice to have the girls play in the beach and go swimming. It was great to have Tyson make memories with his parents. We played games. I also got to work, I got to walk on the beach and then listen to good podcast. We also visited a cool new Science Museum, Tyson drank SO many shakes from Burger Fi. Tyson and London went fishing 3 times. We saw Moana 2, We tried Mochi Donuts, we attended church, we test drove cars for Debbie, the girls helped take down the building decorations with grandma and grandpa 

We got back on 1/8/25 and thankfully the transition back was so good. The girls jumped right back into school and work has been great. 

Some other fun highlights in January: 
Playing games with friends
Watching Wicked with Sarah 
London's first time at the temple 
Hunckering down during the COLDEST Weekend so far (-8)
Martha and Sydney both spoke in church
Sydney got honor roll and got to be in the Honor Roll breakfast and photo
My parents visited from 1/24th - 1/27th. It was a blast! We got to see the Blakely's, we played indoor pickleball. We watched movies. It was a blast! 

Work was really intense the last week of January - so we are totally into the new year. My biggest thing I am loving is the slightly longer days. Now the sunsets at 5 PM and every day we gain a few minutes. 

So excited for some warmth.