Saturday, February 28, 2015

Craft time at school


We have lounged around with Denver having two big snow storms. We have been drinking lots of green spinach and kale smoothies. The girls love to put on tysons hats.

London skin issues

Poor London has had some bad books in her inner thigh. It's so sad. We have been letting walk around naked trying to air out her skin. We have antibiotic cream and been putting on lots of oils on it.

Friday, February 27, 2015

House Hunting

We started looking at homes in November. We got pre approved and stared the hunt. We saw about 10 homes and got really discouraged by the little inventory and prices. We were looking everywhere in Westminster and Broomfield. We laid low during Christmas and started again in January. We went to a ton  of open houses, we went to many more homes. We  put in an offer on an auction house in Broomfield, then we put in an offer on a big fixer upper in Broomfield, then we put in an offer on a house in the Greenway Golf course - which was excepted but they wanted 10K more. 

Then we saw 1156 Harlan St. It is in the neighborhood we want and backs out to Ryan Elementary. The house itself has good bones but its in bad shape. 15 year old carpet, nasty kitchen, downstairs, has no carpet and full of cat pee. The paint is awful and old. But we knew that it would give us what we wanted and be in the schools that we wanted. So we put a offer. The asking price was $235 and we bid $255 - we got the offer,

Four days later we had the inspection. It found several big issues - bad furnace, no AC, radon issues, carbon monoxide issues - we were pretty scared but with Tom's help we could get it done really nicely. We got bids on all the items. We asked for 15k off to help with repairs. They came back at 7000, we came back at 12k, then they came back at 9500 and we finalized it at 10K. So we got the house for $245k. 

We are getting the appraisal next week and hope to close at the end of March. Overall the experience has been exhausting! Emotionally super draining.  We had so many discussions with our realtor - most of them heated. We were getting educated and just wanting to make the best choice. Pat Salankey was our Realtor and he was amazing. So patient - specially with Tyson. Tyson experienced major REMO and had so much anxiety.  He would ask SO many questions and his biggest concern was that we bought at the very height of the market. 

We found out yesterday and immediately got down on our knees and said a prayer. We prayed so much over this house and the whole experience. I felt like Heavenly Father had really led us through the whole process. 

Last night we stopped at King Soopers and got some Ice Cream and celebrated buying our first home. We sat at the table, the four of us and talked about this house. It has been a LONG time coming and this house dosent just represent a new place to live - it means we are staying in Denver, which we love, in our ward ... all the things that mean community to us. We are so thankful for the learning we have done. I think it's also fitting that we celebrated 5 years in Denver this February. We came to Denver because of PFS but I always always felt that God and Colorado meant more than that. We've had our kids here, we became a family here. We have changed so much during our time here. We have learned to rely on each other and on total strangers - who now love us like family. I am so thankful for Denver and for that crazy idea Tyson had 5.5 years ago to move away from everything we knew and start over. Here's to our little green house. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Crazy night and Crazy hairs

This is what I look like when the girls stay up all night. 

Nothing too excited has been happening. We have looking for a home - we have seen 30 places so far, put in three offers - nothing has panned out.

We went to Dinner with Tom and Rebecca Razo last night. One of our favorite activities. We have such a good time. We talked business, savings, kids, breakups - everything. They are so easy going. I love how they don't take themselves too seriously. 

Today was a warm day. We had  picnic in the park and played outside for two hours. I would LOVE to live near a good park. Right now we live near two but we have to cross a major street to get there. I would love to be in the same street. 

The girls have been recently upping their crazy activies:

1. Sydney put a a to of cheese pieces inside our bedroom standing fan.
2. They have gone in our family close 4 times TODAY and messed it all up. I make them clean it everytime but nothing seems to deter them from doing it.
3. London randomly takes off half her shirt at night
4. Sydney has started to want to pee inside buckets and bathroom garbage cans - NOT the toilet
5. They love to hide our keys
6. Sydney loves to strip down naked
7. Sydney is super emotional lately and when London tells her "no" Sydney burst into tears. 

Life is pretty casual. We are excited to head to Utah in March for my council Reunion. Tyson is excited to see his family. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Matching Scarfs

It feels like 2014 really left us in limbo. We tried  many things in 2014 to improve our situation and just be where we want to be. We did and failed at the RV storage facility, we thought about taking a job with my best friend in May, then we thought about doing graphic design and getting an internship. Then Tyson got called to be a seminary teacher and then I started my VA business. 

At the beginning of 2015 Tyson knew and felt like he needed a change but what? The fact that we have lived at ESS for the last 5 years has been a HUGE blessing but also now we are terrified. How about if we can't make a  rent or mortgage payment? Where to move and what they heck is Tyson going to do for a career. 

We have so many questions and the biggest thing we know is 1. We want to feel that it's where God wants us to be. 2. We want to feel like we are improving our situation. 

We have talked to many people in the last month about this. We have even thrown out the idea of going back Logan, UT. All of it seems crazy. Our biggest thing is that we want to feel like we have a community where ever we live. 

I was working in Parker on Saturday (an hour away). Our friend Meghann was watching our girls. My training too double the time I had anticipated. I started freaking out because Ty was working and I did not want to abuse the favor. I got on the phone and texted 5 girls from the Ward. I had two responses of "yes I can do it". It was amazing the community the rallied around us. THAT is what I want. We feel like we are at home in our current ward. We love Colorado. I just wish we could stay here but have Tyson actually have a career that he loves and thrives in. 

Monday, February 16, 2015