Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sydney Turns 6!

Dear Sydney,

Can you believe it?! You are now six. Closer to double digits than not. 

We have had such a fun October and you have been counting down to the days. For your activity, you wanted to go to the mall and ride the little animals and then you wanted to go to Red Robin to eat. 

Your actual birthday was awesome - you had your 1st school party in the morning and I got to attend. Then after school we went to London's school and had a party there. 

What I love about your birthday is that it feels like we celebrate the entire week. 

Sydney you love school and learning. You love books and excited to be learning to read. You love to play outside and are really good with imaginations. You love bugs, plants playing games.  You have this infectious laugh - it cracks me up. 

You have started to really like playing video games - Daddy lets you play a few times per week. You love Abuelita and you have also been asking about getting a cat for a few weeks - which is hilarious. 

You are also such a trooper. You have more patience and you really do try to help me out. I love you Sydney. I love it when you come into my bed in the morning and you sound like a little duck. I love that you love to play and be outside. 

Happy birthday my sweet girl

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