Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020 - Corona update

Easter this year was very different. It was really relaxed but we kept some traditions the same. 

The days leading up were filled with homeschool, great weather and lots of bike rides outside, Google calls with both Sydney's and London's classes. 

We finished week 3 of the lockdown. We have new routines and for the most part we are doing ok. I can't say we are "thriving" but for the most part we are living every day with intention. 

Some days feel very heavy. Mentally and emotionally I go up and down. The days that I can be outside, active - honestly life feels pretty great. On days that are gloomy - it feels like the walls are caving in. 

Honestly, the girls have been doing good - but I know they carry all this in a different way. If we stick to a routine, we can usually go most of the day without tears. London is a tougher case. She wants to spend all day on the iPad. She struggles with school but at the same time does not like help.

Sydney honestly does really well - but she misses playing with friends. We have tried Zoom playdates - but they are not the same. I try to keep them outside but unless I am out there - they won't go. 

Work has been slowing down. Two of my clients are really really down. Basically 90% of their business is gone. Leslie and Pat are actually about the same. We have our Conquer Launch coming up this week - and we have no idea what it will look like. 

In some ways - work is slower which I really need right now. 

On the other hand we are trying to pivot every - all the messaging and all the strategies - and it feels so heavy. 

Some days I feel like I just want to learn something new with this "downtime" and other days I feel like just getting out of bed is too much. 

Tyson has been working more hours ... his company cut salaries for anyone making more than 100K. So it should NOT affect Tyson but his paychecks were less this last time. Still we are grateful we are both bringing in income. 

The church at home has become really nice. We have a nice routine down. The girls no longer whine about it. The spirit can be felt. We have taken part into both fast that the  Prophet has invited us to. Both times it's been really neat. 

For Easter we hid eggs, did church, ate ham, put food in a bag for the missionaries, watched a movie. 

Tyson has been going through his missionary stuff. Hopefull he will be able to minimize the 3 boxes he has. 

*** London has lost her first tooth - she pulled out HERSELF during a bike ride
*** Sydney has now lost 2 teeth in the last month
*** We colored eggs 
*** Tyson and I continue to walk/run/ride bikes when we can
*** Tyson has been going out on Friday mornings (6:30) to get into line to get into Walmart and get food. We are still missing clorox wipes and Bleach but besides that we are doing ok on food. 

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