Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 2022


London opening her gift from Abby

Home Show 2022

Celebrating my birthday

Walking on a frozen lake in Mead

Game night with couples from the ward

Tyson cleaning our couch for my birthday

Watching the superbowl

A big snow storm - the 4Runner did awesome

Cute hair by Chenille

Time out for men in January

cute notes Tyson wrote the girls on valentines day

Swimming at the rec center

Walking on sunny day

Surprised me for my 39th birthday

A photo of my mom (on the very right) 

February was full of awesome things. We celebrated my 39th birthday by going to Panera, viewing open houses in Mead and being outside. 

We had a few storms and spent time shoveling and using the 4Runner. 

We celebrated valentines day by going swimming, Cafe Rio and reading love letters that Tyson wrote the girls. 

We had an awesome game night with 6 couples in our ward. We also went to the Home Show with Iuliana and Abby. 

We celebrated the Superbowl

We also went to Florida February 23rd - March 2nd.