Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 2024 (First Half)


October has started out with such a fun bang. We kick things off by getting our Halloween costumes.

 This year London is going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and ✨💅Sydney ✨💅 is going to be little red riding hood.

We had general conference weekend the first weekend in October, and it was so fun to chill and watch the Conference. The first Saturday of October we attended the annual community fall festival for the Prairie Ridge community. This is one of our favorite events. Our goal is always to get a really awesome face, painting or face decorations, and then a big pumpkin. And we did both this year.

The first weekend in October we also had the girls take their first full session at Mathnasium. We signed the girls up to do 10 sessions each and we really hope that this will give them more confidence when it comes to math.

The weather has been so amazing and really really warm. This means we have been able to still go on nice long walks almost every evening. The main difference is that we have to now take flashlight because it gets dark so quickly. But we are loving going around and seeing all the fun Halloween decorations and Halloween lights that people have. We also put up our own special purple lights And we love them. I think it makes our street so much friendlier and just makes me happy to see the lights.

This upcoming weekend, we are so excited to be able to go to Utah for four days and see family and cousins. This is the big thing that ✨💅Sydney ✨💅 really wanted to do for her birthday. Unfortunately, Halloween is on Thursday, so we could not go that weekend. However, we hope that this weekend will be so much fun, and it looks like the weather will be pretty awesome.

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