Saturday, August 22, 2009

How do you explain it ...

I went to her funeral today. I saw her mom sobbing for her little girl. I heard her dad speak of her as if she was still here ... it was so heartbreaking. Through it I could not help but notice several key things.

1. Family. There were seven rows of seats saved just for family. I saw that without family we are nothing. They only reason why Val and James could go on - is because of family.

2. Friend. The entire chapel but the spill over was filled with friends, ward members, coworker, bishops, teachers, doctors, nurses - all coming to show support. Not many words were said but the love in the room was incredible.

3. The Gospel. The most powerful lesson came when James Fransden (the dad) stood up. Read the most heartfelt letter to his little girl and boldly bore his testimony of the Gospel, our Savior, eternal families and trials. I was amazed. So many times I want to feel closer to my Heavenly Father. I want to feel his love and feel that he has a purpose for me. It seems though, that those times come only after a serious trial. James had the spirit with him in a way that I have never seen. I was mesmerized. At the same time, am I willing to go through that in order to feel close to the spirit? Sometimes that is not a choice we make, but rather a road we must take.

I love the Frandsen family. After they put little Vittoria in the car to take her to Price to be buried. I stood among 200 people watching the parents. I stood in a corner not knowing what to say. I saw people approach the parents to say their regrets. Not me. I stood back, almost hiding. I did not want to be close to them - not because I did not love them, but I just did not know what to say. What to do you anyway? Then as the parents came walking by the big group of people, James (the dad) stopped, looked at me and came toward me. I stood there in silence. He came and gave me a big hug. I lost it. All he could say is "we sure love you guys" and walked away. In the midst of losing his baby girl - he made time for ME. This is truly a divine family. I love you. I pray for you.


  1. Oh, Martha! Thank you so much for posting this(and for making me cry!). James truely does come from an amazing family, and all of that love and faith can be traced back to our great-grandparents (probably even further). They raised there children (my grandmother and James' grandmother being sisters) to love the gospel. It has continued to trickle down from there, and there is no better example of that then the Frandsen's. The Frandsen's are amazing people!

  2. What a difficult time and wonderfully faithful family. I am glad you were there to support them through this.

  3. This made me cry! Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts and touching testimony.
