Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Weekend with the Kids

I don't want to forget and post about how fun it was to watch Sophie (3), James (6) and Mandolin (1). My awesome sister, Jael, and Steve pretty much stayed with us the entire weekend to help me watch the kiddies while Tyson went to Logan to clean another apartment.

I was ready for the kids. I had kid food, kid toys and had a full schedule of free events for us to do. Here is a quick recap of the events:

Friday: Dinner, McDonald's Playpens, Movie and sleep

Saturday: Breakfast, cleaned up, Wheeler Farm, Balloon hats, feeding ducks, throwing rocks, Murray Park, picnic lunch, playgrounds, get keys locked in car, play some more, get into car, go home, nap, more snacks, get ready for wedding, go to receptions, eat dinner, dance, go home and sleep.

Sunday: Wake up, get ready for church, go to church, come home, get all packed, go to mom's house, dinner, games, pack for departure, say goodbye, crash in bed.
It was a very awakening weekend to the work that comes with kids - but also how fun it could be. Debbie always tells me "they don't all come at once" which is SO awesome.

James found a "new" friend at the wedding reception

Who wouldn't love to be with these kids?


  1. I love the picture if James with my baby cousin it was to fun watching them play together!!

  2. I think remembering that they only come one at a time is a very comforting thing. I'm impressed you did so much - when I have larger than normal amount of kids, I mostly want to hide in my house. Way to go!
