Monday, October 19, 2009


(BTW we are being featured as Team Captains in our Primerica Ad. Cool huh?)

Tyson and I hit Winco Foods grand opening today. It was a mad house. We could not even find a shopping cart. We were able to get great deals on chicken, beef, cereal, deli meat and peanut butter. We came home and made fajtas - yummy.

Things with the Gerbers are the same. Building Primerica, saving money, building Primerica some more. Growth is a funny thing - sometimes you can touch it and quatify it, which feels great. Other times, growth is internal, slow and private, which is great and not so great. I can say that a big weight is lifted now that we both have passed all of our test. The holiday season is approaching and I can't help but wonder where the year has gone. So many goals - some met, others missed but growth was a big part of this year.

Our occasional nights off are filled with walks, making cookies, playing with baby Andrew and watching the office on Hulu. I am grateful for life. I have bigger visions but I see the Lord taking us to bigger and better places. I'm ready.

I think the biggest thing that is happening is my little brother Julio. He is making a 360 with his life - I mean BIG 360. A girl is involved, which proves the power that one good woman can do for a man. The lord is so good.

Tyson is wonderful and has such a big vision for us both. I trust him.

oh and we have a huge event this weekend. I love big events. The keep me focused. We are flying down some great business owners to talk about being successful in any busines. If any of you want to come - I got extra tickets.


  1. Cute pictures Martha! Where did you get them done?

  2. Wow you guys look great!! How are you?? It has been forever! Martha you look totally hot:)I'm glad that you guys are doing well.

  3. congratulations!! Those pictures are awesome. We miss ya'll!

  4. WOW, what a beautiful couple! Love the photos! i agree with everything you have said. I know you and Tyson will accomplish all the things you set out to do!!

  5. Awesome pics! You both look wonderful! Congrats on having all those test passed! Nice to get to make milestones and move forward. I'm so excited to hear about your brother! Way to go being such a loving a good sister and example. I think that helps people to the Lord so much.

  6. Love the pictures, girlie. Sounds like things are going well for you guys. Miss ya!
