Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ten Months

Weigth:20 lbs 2oz
Height:29 inches

Fun Facts:
1. You can stand baby! You showed us this by almost falling out of your crib. Scary! Still no crawling but you will probably just walk past that stage anyway.

2. You got TWO teeth! Teething wasn't too bad except you woke up during the night,but no fever, no rash! Yeah!

3. You are taking a long morning nap and a shorter afternoon nap but overall you have a happy attitude.

4. You love to roll over and over again to travel to something. It's funny to find you in a totally different position in your crib in the morning.

5. You go to bed between 730 and 745. Sleep until 7 am and wake up super happy.

6. You are so much better at  picking up food and actually getting it in your mouth. A lot still gets thrown down the high chair but you are learning.

7. You are turning into quite the mama's girl. It's funny because when Daddy picks you up you start looking around to find me. Still you and your daddy love to play hide and seek, read books and overall are quite the best pals.

You are learning to master standing on your own. You can last 5 seconds at the most but you love trying. You even take your little hands and push ours away when we hold your waist. It's like you are saying "let me try it alone ..."

You have found a new love for all things outside. You love picking up rocks, pulling up grass, picking sticks - mostly you try to put everything in your mouth and 98% of the time mom can stop it but sometimes you sneak in some rock that you just cant' wait to taste

You can also pull yourself up most of the way. You have figured out how to move your body around your legs. You tend to launch yourself when you want something and are slowly learning how to back up into your knees to sit up again.

You move alot in your crib. A couple of times you have turned to your stomach and trying to back up into the side of your crib. It's pretty funny because you get this really confused

You continue to amaze us with your bladder! You pee so much and so often. You were regular size 3 diapers during the day, which we HAVE to change atleast every 2.5 hours, but at night you wear size 4 GOODNIGHT diapers - you leaked out last night. It's amazing your little bladder can hold

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