Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two months

Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz
Length: 21 inches

1. You have rolled over! Your first was right before 6 weeks. From tummy to back only but it's an impressive time line.

2. Sleeping much better. Usually in bed between 730 and 8. Wake up twice to eat and up at 720 for the day.

3. Naps are ok. Usually take 2 long maps and two mini naps.

4. You are wearing size 1 diapers. You were in newborn stuff for over six weeks.

5. You are starting to coo. Super cute v

6. You hold up your head really well- great neck strength. You also love to balance on your feet.

7. You are loving your binky now.

8. You poop really well. At least once a day.

9. You are super healthy and strong.

10. You have super long eye lashes! I love them.

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