Monday, April 22, 2013


Sydney and I go walking a lot around the property when the weather is good and London is sleeping. I'm a huge believer of outside time and even though it would be easier and cleaner to stay inside, I know we need sun, fresh air and open space.

Most of the time Sydney runs off to explore - just far enough to feel like a big girl but close enough that I feel we are safe, usually no more than 5 feet in front of me. She loves to touch the green doors, pick up rocks, look through the fence, look up to see birds and airplanes. She loves to go up and down each little speed bump like its a roller coaster and yells "weeee".

And yet sometimes, just sometimes she comes back and is perfectly happy just walking around hanging on to my little finger. I look down at our hands and realize how truly special it is that she wants me so close. I stop and realize that soon enough she won't want to hold my hand. So I stop and try really hard to memorize that moment . Sydney is a wonderful little girl. I'm so lucky to have her.

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