Saturday, June 14, 2014

Well it's been three weeks since getting my first client. I actually signed on a 2nd client last week and we have our first conference call tomorrow. I'm so so excited. Both of these clients are great people and I know I will help them out a ton. 

I have to say that I'm still devoting a lot of time to just learning. I've watched about three hours of Picmonkey videos and have made images. I've read alot about Coschedule. I'm still going every day into the social media and updating and asking for  new connections. It's a lot of work but I feel so excited. Tomorrow I attend a class on property management for one of my clients. I haven't been to a real class in almost two years. I've also got my first paycheck. Granted it was only $30 but it was the symbol of many more of come. 

Tyson has been great at our new routine. I wake up at 6 and work until 8 am. he gets the girls up and ready with new clothes. We all eat breakfast at 8 am. My next work time is from 10-11 when London naps and Sydney gets iPad time. Then we have lunch, play, go out etc. 

I then put both girls down from 230-430. I exercise during this time and then jump on computer to work. When they wake up we play, i start dinner and they play. Usually they get to watch a Dora episode. Menu planning has become really big for me. Lunches really are nothing big but dinners are so nice to actually have planned out. I have themed nights.

Monday - left overs 
Tuesday - Mexican or Italian
Wednesday - breakfast
Thursday - rice and beans variation 
Friday - pizza and salad
Saturday - left overs
Sunday - roast with veggies

I've been doing the menu planning for three months now and man the first month was pretty hard but now it's actually really easy and really awesome. 

I feel really blessed. I know it's not much but I feel like I have something bigger than myself now and I really dig my new clients. 

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