Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Top 3 Choices

It's funny I was mowing the lawn the other day and It got me thinking about how blessed we are. I was thinking about our house, our health, our family .... we are so blessed. 

It also led me to think about my decisions in life - the things the led my life to where I am right now. I'm not talking about it like "look what I did" but recognizing that the Lord led me to these decisions. I actually took a lot of time to think about it. So I got it down to my 3 top best choices. 

#1 - My choice to be in the Gospel. The lord led me to the gospel through my grandma, but the choice to become active and stay active was mine. This decision led me to a life with so much less pain, friends that inspired me to be better and keeping myself at a point where I could date someone like Tyson. The funny thing is that during my teenage years it did not feel like I was "winning" anything, but now that I am in my 30's with kids and a real life - the gospel kept me from so many BAD things - drinking, drugs, sleeping around .... I really saved so much heartache. I just hope and pray that my girls will have enough sense to just trust that I know what I am talking about - that they recognize that I had the same trials, temptations and openings for bad choices, but thankfully I said no. 

#2 - My choice to marry Tyson. I was engaged before Tyson - to Bill. I was so in love with Bill. Then Bill dumped me because his parents did not like me or that I was latina. So he dumped on and broke my heart. It was the most painful thing I went through. I started dating 6 months later but I was still so heartbroken. It was years before I could genuinely be healed. Three years later I met Tyson.10 years into it, I can blatantly see that Bill was SO wrong for me. Tyson is my most amazing best friend. There are so many days that I just see Tyson and the spirit tells me "this is why it did not work out with Bill"  My life with Tyson is so amazing and we genuinely happy - which I know I would not be with any of my other boyfriends. 

#3 - My choice to become a minimalist. Tyson laughs about this one but seriously learning and fully embracing minimalist has changed my life - and directly influenced my other top choices. We have more money, more time, less stress, more intentional actions, more time outside, more time as a family, more ability to make big choices. When we first got married I really wanted a big house, big cars.... all the things that made us look successful. 9 years later I am so different but so much happier. I share more, I give more, I laugh more. I can work, I can be with my kids, take care of my house .... and still maintain my house ... all because of minimalism. 

So there are my top 3 choices

1 comment:

  1. Love all these.
    Stupid Bill Lolz. He missed out big time.
    Tyson is a great fit for the family. We love him. At least I do ;).
    Love minimalism. I've recently embraced it and threw out half my side of the closest. Now to convince my spouse!!
