Monday, December 12, 2022

December so far

At the Basketball Game

Ward Party 

London the Elf 

The nativity Scene and Sydney being 
the lead angel :) 

Walking to Target on a pretty day

Sydney is loving her 
Beenie Hat 

This is Truffle - Sydney's newest 
Little obsession toy

Loving Hydro massage at Chuze

The Peak Church decorating Party

Mommy Daughter Date

Getting Nails Done

December is half way over. It's been a wonderful mix of fun activities, intentional slow days and downtime and also some fun with friends. Here are a few highlights

1. Tyson finished his semester - it was a rough one! But he did it. We are ALL excited for his two-week break. 

2. Tyson was the MC for our ward Christmas party and he rocked it! London The Elf also helped a lot. The girls did the nativity scene and Sydney played her Viola. 

3. Tyson and Sydney had a date and attended a Nuggets/Jazz Basketball Game. 

4. London and I had a date - dinner and getting a pedicure. 

5. We have been doing fun free activities with friends. We have been loving the mild weather and playing outside to take advantage. 

6. I have been very intentional to keep up my workout routine and my early mornings. 

7. We have kept our Christmas decor and overall activities really simple - but it's been pretty dang perfect.

8. Straton came to see us for 4 days and Julio came right before Thanksgiving for 4 days.  


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