Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 2024 Family Highlights


June 2024 flew! It was officially Phase one of the Gerber 2024 Summer. 

The main thing was that the girls attended 4 weeks of summer school. This was a great way to help London prepare for Middle School that starts August 14th. 

This meant that Tyson and I drove twice to Lousiville - and it was not easy, but it was worth it to help the girls really keep their skills. They did earn $250 each for finishing it. They are so excited to go clothes shopping.

Some other fun highlights: 
Bingo and sleeping over with the Blakely's
Free donut day at Krispie Kreame
London's summer dance recital 
Walking to Starbucks on Saturday morning
Hanging out with friends and doing smores
Enjoying our backyard

It was such a fun month. 

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