Sunday, July 7, 2024

Utah Vacation - July 2024 - Pt.1


We just got back from our first ever two week Utah trip. This trip was different than the others because not only was it longer, but both Tyson and I decided to work from Utah so that we could stay longer. We split our time and spent the first part of it in Bear Lake, then we spent the full week in Salt Lake, then we drove back to Bear Lake for the final four days. We drove home on Sunday, July 14. We really focused on spending time with family and friends. Melynda and her family were moving to North Carolina so this was the final time we were going to see them for a while and we all went boating. It was funny because we went to Wheeler Bay and I was so worried about getting in the water, but when I saw that everyone else got in the water, I threw a little fit, but I was able to go in and swim and I actually really enjoyed it. The only bummer was that we all got major sunburn on Willard Bay. We put some sunscreen but not enough and I really underestimated how hot it was going to be.

The girls always love to go school shopping with Abuelita and they did that several times. At the end of summer school I did pay each girl $250! They were so excited to pick some new shirts and new pants. Sydney had a really hard time finding clothes that she liked, but London found clothes really really easily and was able to score some awesome stuff.

We love spending time at Blake and the girls went boating a lot. Both of them got up on knee boards and we loved getting a bunch of shakes. I don't think we've ever eaten as many shakes as we had at this vacation. The new cabin was finally finished and ready for people to sleep in it. It was so pretty and function so much better. It was amazing to have AC at night and an upstairs bathroom.But overall, it was just really fun to be with family.

I really hope we can continue to do longer vacations in the future, now that the girls are older. It really helps. Keep the vacation feeling really relax, but also gives us enough time to spend really good quality time while everyone else works. It was extra fun that Jael and the boys took time off from work so they could spend pretty much every day with me and the girls.

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