Monday, June 8, 2009

Grocery Smarts

I am very proud of myself - I have been wanting to start doing the whole coupon thing - I mean do you realize what saving $200 a month would do? (Actually it would mean about 900K over 30 years at a 10% ROI)

So even though I am not getting my newspapers yet with the coupons, I wanted to start trying it out. So Sunday night I spent 30 minutes getting myself organized with coupons and so forth - and today was the big day. I went to Albertsons and followed exactly what they told me. Here is what I bought.

4 boxes of Capt Crunch
6 Mac and Cheese
4 Digornios Flatbread
2 Hidden Valley Ranch
2 Angel Soft double rolls of toilet paper
1 Treseme Shampoo
1 thing of Bananas
1 Bag of grapes
2 Bagelfulls
1 Gallon of Milk
1 Jar of pickles
2 Cinnamon Rolls
1 Jello No Bake Cheesecake
2 Kraft Cheese Shredded Cheese
2 South Beach Granola Bars
2 Purex Concentrated Detergent
2 Hawaiians Own Drink Milk

Retail Price : $140
What I paid : $59.65

Saved : $77.23 (plus $12 of free gas!)

This was my very first trip trying this out and I was really lucky to get such a great sale. I'm determined to get great at this. Thanks Brooke!


  1. GREAT JOB SISTER!!! I'm going to follow your advice and try to use more coupons!!!

  2. WOW!!! That is great Savings!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!

  3. That's so awesome Martha! I love it! You're pretty amazing to pick this up so fast, and without newspaper coupons even!

  4. wow what a deal!
    I have thought about doing the whole coupon thing too, but just thinking about standing in line, coupon after coupon gives me the chills! How did you do it?
