Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

Tyson asked me the other day about my real dad. Can't say I ever think much about him - except on Father Day. Don't worry - I don't mean the sad story of "my father left us" story, but rather I realize how blessed I am notwithstanding what most would call a sad situation.

Father's day always reminds me of the great role models I DO have.

1. My mom. Both loving and strong, she is everything to us. I never felt bad. I always knew my mom would be strong for us.
2. Melynda. One of the few people who know me, I mean really know me. The good, the bad, the bratty and the ugly. She always keeps me on track.
3. Fredy. Although never a "Father Figure" he made my mom happy and provided the stability that I was always yearning for. Thanks to him I learned to respect male figures.
4. Tyson. What can I say about Tyson on Father Day - only that I treasure the fact that although I never had a reason to celebrate - my babies will have an amazing dad. He keeps me grounded. He is so warm. He gets me - even when I'm emotional. I love him. I thank Heavenly Father for the many wonderful Father's Day ahead.

Here's to all the good men who shape our youth, love families and step up to responsibilities.

Thank you.