Saturday, September 26, 2009

Passed .... again

So, last week I decided to take my series 26 - it's been about a year since I took my last test. I only had FOUR days to study - pretty crazy huh. I woke up Thursday morning to take my test at 11 am. I was getting like 55% on my practice test mind you. So I drove to the test center - studied my last pages - went to take the test - go 71%!!!!!! I passed by the skin of my teeth. This was a completely divine pass notice. I know Heavenly Father was there to help me. I could have not done it on my own.

So now I can officially be RVP. Tyson takes his test on Wednesday - he will pass it and we will be that much closer to our dream.


  1. Congratulations!!! That is awesome! I can't imagine those things are anywhere near easy. You two have worked very hard.

    Will you ask Jael to invite me to her blog? I try to go there, but she must have gone private- thanks! :)

    P.S. any luck on selling the apartment?

  2. YEA!!!! Congratulations Martha!!! What a HUGE accomplishment! That is seriously so awesome and I am so excited and happy for you!!! You are such a smarty pants :) Way to go!
