Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gas Experience

Tyson and I got home Wednesday night at different times - but when each of us got home we both smelled the house and it STUNK! Now my house is very clean and I air it out on a regular basis but this was different. Tyson said it was almost like rotten eggs. Ty started researching this while I took a shower and started to clean up a little bit. We had opened all the doors and windows - oh and a little side note. It was -10 in Colorado!

Tyson called his dad and Brad Romero and both of them said this could be serious. Supposably companies put an "rotten egg" smell in natural gas so that it could be detected. His dad suggested we call the police. Tyson called and the police started to ask if we were feeling bad or if we had headaches. They told us to go outside immeidatly and wait for the police. Well we wasted no time. I grabbed my purse and camera - which contained a video of our entire house - in case our renters insurance needed a copy, and we ran outside. We ran the car and waited there. I started to txt Melissa and Jael the crazy news. Melissa reminded me that I was waiting for the police in my robe and long john garments! I had not even thought about that.

We saw the police arrive and Tyson started talking to them. All of the sudden I saw an ambulance and firetruck screaming down the road and they were coming to US!!!!! It was kind of embarrasing.

They went inside and they detected nothing. urg. How embarrasing. They said it was probably because we aired our the house for an hour. They told us that if we smell that again to call them again.

So they left . Ty & I were pretty paranoid for the first hour and half but said a prayer and were able to fall sleep. Two days later we bought donuts and brought them the firemen. Just to say thanks.

It was pretty crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Glad you guys are okay! That is crazy. Also, so cute that you brought the firemen donuts!!
