Monday, January 7, 2013

Cute Sydney Pictures

Ah the new year! A time to start anew and make goals. Usually I'm pretty strick about setting very specific goals - however with a 14 month old and a new baby due next month, I've decided to be much more general about goals. I don't like goals that make me feel like a failure 6 months into it. So here are my goals for 2013:

1. Have a healthy birth for London
2. Simplify my house, clothes and kitchen to make the life easier
3. Continue to read to Sydney at lunch at least 4 times a week
4. Continue to freezer cook
5. Lose my baby weight by London's 6 month birthday
6. Fully fun both our IRA's
7. Continue family prayers and reading 4 scriptures every night as a family.
8. Attend church weekly
9. Stablish a routine for London
10. Keep Tyson a top priority as husband.

The weeks after Christmas have flown by. It's nice to finally get back into the normal - although sometimes it feels a little boring. I hear January is the most depressing month of the year. I can totally see why - thankfully Denver has LOTS of sunshine and I can go out a couple times a week and soak up some sun.

I'm getting to the really really tired stage in the last 6 weeks of this pregnancy. I'm starting to get scared of labor and what having a newborn will be like again. I have to think that it has to be a little bit easier. I remember Sydney really rocked our world but she was our first. I know now that we won't die and that if we work together we will make it through.

Tyson has been really cute and has such a neat relationship with Sydney. He is very much more firm and Sydney knows when he means business. She's begining to test boundaries but also learning to follow simple directions and "helps" around a little bit more. It's such a process. The simplest rules takes hours of practice and repetition to achieve.

The focus right now is for sure getting ready for London. My goals for this week is to actually pack my hospital bag and make room in the laundry room for my grandma and mom to put their stuff inside. My grandma plans on staying with us for almost a month and I want to make sure she has a specific place to put her stuff so the house stays cleaner.

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