Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend Recap

It seems these days I can get a post a week in - usually Monday's while I work. This last weekend was actually really really busy. Usually it would not be a big deal to have plans every night but being 9 months pregnant really makes me want to do nothing but sit at home and rest.

Friday we had our babysitting coopp watch Sydney.Tyson and I returned a stroller to Target and the hit Wild Buffalo Wings for dinner. We've never been there. The atmosphere was very "hip" with a bizillion big screen TV's and sports games all around us. It was a fast paced place! We shared the wings and I have to say it was pretty good - not amazing but pretty good. After sharing wings we went across the street and shared ice cream at Cold Stone - yum. It was funny because the placed was packed! Looks like were were not the only crazy ones wanting ice cream in the middle of winter. We picked up Sydney at 815 and she was in bed by 830. The funny thing is that even thought she was in bed an hour later than usual, she still woke up at the exact same time. sigh. Kids will be kids.

Saturday we spent lots of time outside since the weather was so nice. We walked and played in the rocks. By 5 pm I could tell me body was done. Tyson got off at 530 and was excited to go hang out with Danny and Sugey but I just could not do it. Tyson was so sweet and took Sydney while I stayed home and rested on the couch. I watched some Downtown Abbey and rested. They got home at 730, we put Sydney down and then I was in bed at 9 pm.

Sunday we had a GREAT day. Sydney took a nice long 2 hour nap in the morning and we were able to sneak her into NURSERY! It was awesome. She did amazing. She loved playing and was sharing and seemed more upset when we took her home. It was amazing to go to Sunday school with Tyson. It's been a good 8 months since we could do that. After church we had dinner with the Hutchinson's new gorgeous home. The hammonds, Ellis and another family also joined us. We had a blast. We left at 715 and Sydney was in bed by 745.

You know I bet most people think I am getting so much rest because I go to bed so early - but let me tell you my friends. It's been really rought the last couple of weeks.

My body is pretty uncomfortable - to put it lightly. Like last night, I went to bed at 9 but I tossed, turned, went to the bathroom, tossed, turned some more, more bathroom, Sydney gets up at 4 am, put to binkie in, then I can't sleep for an hour, sit in bed and talk to God, finally sleep at 530 am again, Sydney up at 645, Ty gets her .... you get the point. Both Tyson and I are really tired these days. To a point I know it's getting us ready for London, but man I'm getting pretty sick of sitting in bed and not able to get any actual sleep. I'm happy to report both Tyson and I are feeling much better after a quick brush with a cold. Sydney has had a runny nose but she is also breaking two teeth, so I'm thinking it's that vs she is sick.

It was a great and busy weekend. I'm trying to really enjoy them before London comes and we become hermits lol.

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