Tuesday, March 21, 2017


The weather has been amazing the last two weeks. We have been busy staying out. 

The girls get home from school, or on the weekends and all the neighborhood kids ride their bikes on the street while the parents talk and cheer the kids on. 

London is riding a real bike! She showed no interest last year but all of the sudden this year she decided she wanted to and now loves riding with the big kids. 

We went to Dairy Queen and got Free Cone day last night, then we came home and played in the school field behind us. 

I have been diligent about taking my walks - I try to walk 40- 50 minutes every other day. It's truly become a source of joy for me. I'll put on a great podcast and I will walk - ever so slowly, but I walk. I breathe in, I look at the spring plants - it's become such a special time for me. 

On Friday we had a birthday party for Laney Ellis and Tyson and I got to use an Outback Steakhouse gift card to grab dinner. Then Saturday we had the March madness church party and Sunday we invited 3 families over to eat the left hot dogs from the March Madness church party. 

Still no job for Tyson, but the hunt continues. He has an informational interview today and some new leads. We have really started to pray hard about our situation and even though it's not ideal, I feel peace about where we are at. 

My Abuelita birthday was yesterday, which also marks my 21st anniversary of my baptism. I was able to Facetime her and talk about the pregnancies and life in Utah. I love my Abuelita and I have so much respect for her.

It's funny because we have been doing lots of fun things, but I don't have any photos for it - I really like being able to step away from my phone during the day and just enjoy the kids. I know Tyson is working on that too

As for the pregnancy, it's  moving right along. I no longer have nausea, but I am suffering from heartburn, lots of excessive saliva, back pain and trouble sleeping. During the day continues to be my best time, but after 5 pm I go down hill pretty quickly. I feel like I have gained a lot of weight - but none in the belly. I feel my face just look swollen all the time, and my acne is SO bad.  I am just about 4 months into it. 

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