Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017

The week of Christmas has been so wonderful.  I feel like this year for the 1st time we really geled as a little family. It was wonderful to be with others, but when it came down to it, we really did just fine with out little family. 

The week before Christmas was so busy - I was closing up launches with my clients and getting as much work as I could so I could really relax the week between Christmas and New years. Both girls were off school and even daycare was closed - so thankfully all but one of my clients took off. 

Christmas eve fell on Sunday - so we only had sacrament. The girls sang and we had a lovely Christmas program. We got home and it was time to start cooking for our Christmas Eve Favorites night. The Ashby's got to the house around 445 and we had a yummy dinner of chicken wings, breadsticks, Veggie treys, greek salad, pita chips,  artichoke dip ... and lot and lots of cookies. We played minute to win it games, spoons and watched some shows. It was super relaxed and honestly I did not even take photos. 

Everyone left at 8 pm and we quickly cleaned up and put the girls to bed by 845. Can I just tell you how much I love Minimalism during the holidays. Tyson and I often talk about how quickly it is to just clean up our house and how much peace it brings us. 

Tyson and I stayed up late to get ready. I also my casserole for the next morning. We went to bed by 10:30 PM. A funny story is that I headed to bed and Tyson stayed up working - and Sydney came up the stairs around 11:20 - she was half sleep but did not even notice Tyson - went straight to the bathroom an back to bed :) 

Tyson woke up at 6 am to put the breakfast casserole in the oven. Then at 730 we all got up. The girls went upstairs and then came down to "wake us up". We all headed up stairs and did the stocking. We got toothbrushes, toothpaste,  fruit snacks, oranges, candy, playdoug ... lots of fun things. 

Then we had my breakfast casserole - it was good but still not perfect. We tried to drag out the presents but only lasted until 10:30 :)  We watched the Disney parade on tv. 

The best part was that we had so much left overs that I did NOT have to cook at all. We just ate left overs. I loved that. After lunch we went sledding fro 45 minutes. The girls loved it. They even started going by themselves. 

We came home, watched a movie and I fell sleep. I've been having a sore throat for a few days and it kept me up at night. 

When I woke up we called our parents and spent time talking to them. Honestly, it was just so chill. We were all in bed by 830 and it felt so so good. We are thrilled that we are going to Cancun in February with the entire family :)  

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