Sunday, December 17, 2017

Slow December

Christmas is officially one week away. It's weird that I have not posted anything so far. Honestly, we have kept things pretty simple. The tree has been up since November, the presents are bought, we have done fun activities but honestly, we have not felt rushed.

The week has been filled with school, work and swimming lessons - not much else. Saturdays are usually filled with a few fun, free activities and Sundays we get home and stay home.

I was released today as Primary secretary. Truth be told - I am relieved and sad at the same time. I handed off our folder and systems to the new secretary - but I am sad. I guess change is just hard.

We have hit some pretty big goals business wise. We have tried new things with Leslie and it's been paying off. It's been pretty cool actually. It's weird because I feel this big pressure and it's not even my own business.

Looking back this year has had a lot of changes with work. It's stretched me and made me have to be uncomfortable. I've really had to lean into the Lord and have him help me.

One thing that makes me really happy is that as a family we have been doing the Light The World videos. It's been such a great way to maintain the spirit of Christmas and i'm surprised at how many conversations it's started for us. The girls have really gotten into the spirit of donating and giving.

We are inviting people over for Christmas Eve and it's fun, but sometimes I wish it was easier. The holidays are always hard for me - I feel very lonely during them. I try hard to avoid it but when things just go still - my heart begins to hurt.

I've always felt that way but I am trying to not just push it aside,  but to lean into it and just feel it. It's ok to be sad. It's ok to be scared - but as long as I have faith in the lord, I know things will be ok.

I've always been an anxious person - but time of year makes it worse.

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