Monday, February 11, 2019

Happy Birthday London

London you are 6! 

I have to admit, 5 - 6 was a rough year. Even though you have loved Kindergarten and feeling like a big girl, you have really struggled with emotions. 

Fingers crossed 6 is a better year. 

Still, you are sassy and full of energy. You have a totally independent mind and you know what you like. Your memory is amazing - you never let us forget anything. 

You have this amazing ability to care for others. You really worry about others. You love your teachers - but also feel no issue with questioning them. I both love and do not love this about you. 

I get this feeling that you are going to do something big when you grow up. The other night we had dinner with the Rogers and Desi talked about how she thinks God is sending his most powerful spirits to the earth right - because you have to deal with so much.

I feel that about you. You are strong, determined, stubborn, fierce. 

You call Daddy and Mommy out when we say "crap" and you stand up for what you believe - no matter what. 

You entered the science fair - and got 1st place. You are finally interested in reading and you really keep at it. You know when you are working hard and your self-talk is much more positive. 

You still get really frustrated. You see the world as black and white, right or wrong. Sometimes it's really hard for you see the grey in things or to give grace - you feel everything very deeply. 

You love to cuddle. You still love love love your blankie. You get really hot and even in the dead of winter - I still fight to make you wear your coat or even sleep with pants on. 

You are growing more independent and go to the bathroom by yourself, zip up your coats by yourself and generally just feel more sure of yourself

You still freely give hugs and kisses to me. You put blankies on me when you are sick. You still need plenty of food and sleep to avoid getting grumpy. You still have awesome dance moves. 

I see you trying and learning and falling and trying again. I love you so much. 

We are hoping this year is our best year yet. For your birthday we went laser tagging, to Cafe Rio and played games at Fat Cats. You got an umbrella, Candy Land and a Starbucks Gift card. 

I love you little London. 

Love, Mommy

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