Thursday, March 26, 2020

Corona Update #3.5

We officially went on "lockdown" as of today 3/26/2020

In a lot of ways, we will just do the same things we have done before - but on another level it feels really scary and really heavy. 

It's funny because yesterday we had such an amazing day. It felt normal

- I woke up early thanks to the amazing Sunrise Clock I bought. 
- I went to Pat's house and stopped by Sprouts to buy fruit, milk and eggs (all the normal stuff was sold out at Walmart)
- on the way home I stopped by a carwash and vacuumed my car
- I came home, played with the girls, we swept the garage, we organized things. 
- we raked the yard
- I did some work. At 5 PM tyson got off and joined us outside. We all went on a walk/run/bike to the local park and walked an hour while listening to an awesome podcast. 
- we came home and it was so nice we stayed outside, kicked the soccer ball, walked around the school while the girls "walked their stuffies" on skates. 
- We came inside and put the girls to bed 
- we did a zoom jepordy with the blakelys

So it felt like a great day. The next morning? We went on lockdown and I woke up and cried while I prayed. 

It's all felt like so much. 

So what did I do? I prayed? I started breathing. I got dressed and got going. I went on 2 walks. The girls "pulled" their squishmellows on their skates. 

School went better this morning, then I took London to her Tutor lesson. 

After, I came home and had back to back calls. It's been really tough to have Tyson take over the office. We are actually moving him downstairs so I can have my office back. 

I finally emerged around 4 PM, made the girls ramen noodles for lunch and we went outside to be in good weather. Then we went on another walk. We came home, I put the girls to bed. 

I have been focusing on watching and listening to GOOD things. Things that help me prepare and get my mindset in the right place. 

I have stopped watching the evening news and really staying off social media so I don't have to read everything. 

I have been talking to my mom every day. I have been texting my friends. Poor Sarah Hammond has COVID19.

Today our Prophet announced a worldwide day of fast on Sunday - and we will do it. 

Tyson had a really long day today at work - which is hard since I really need some connection time for the 4 of us, but I know he is just nervous about making sure he has a job now. We all are. 

But we are making it day by day. Trying to have more Faith than Fear. 

We are also rewatching Survivor - starting in season 15 - which is fun since the girls are really getting into it. It's clean, fun and shows fun challenges. 

We through a birthday party for squishmellows ...

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