Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A photo of my mom

My mom sent me this photo of herself when she was a little girl. 
I don't have many photos of her as a little girl. 

I love that I see both myself AND London in her photo. My mom had no idea that just a few short years later she would become a teen mom and would suffer through 10 years of an abusive marriage. 

Or that she would migrate to a totally new country, learn a new language and raise 4 kids on her own. And yet, she is one of the most cheerful people I know. She has her deep wounds and they show up in unexpected ways. And yet, she tries really hard and has done some amazing things. 

Many times I wished for a more "soft mom" but my mom never had the opportunity to be that - she always had to be strong. There have been many times in the last few years where my mom has apologized for how rough things were for us when we were growing up - and they were. But I  know it was not because of effort or trying their absolute best. 

I respect my mom. I understand her so much more now that I am an adult and mother myself. I see her and I see so much strength and love and so much innocence. 

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