Monday, December 31, 2007

Early Christmas

Our family is officially going through a holiday transition. Since Ty and I got married, Jael and Steve are engaged and Martin and Julio do their own things - our family has had to learn how to do the "alternative" Christmas. This year is Ty's family, next year its my family. However, since I could not totally go cold turkey from my family this Christmas, we had "mini-Christmas" on the 23rd. We made sugar cookies, we danced and we opened presents. and Jael and Steve made the family a non-traditional Christmas dinner.

We were able to get my mom the boots that she really wanted! Martin and Julio got some new contacs and I got an awesome kitchen mixer - but by far the best gift was the 48' plasma TV my mom got Fredy. He was giddy! He even did the "happy dance." The family now has entered the realms of coolness and you better believe GHTV looks a lot better in the new TV.

We had a great time with the family. I'm so grateful that even through a lot of change - good change, but change none the least - our family has really embraced the new members and have loved to see Jael and I start our own little family tree. I'm so grateful for a supportive family, whom believes in me and the dreams that Ty and I have.

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