Monday, July 28, 2008

24th of July

This years fireworks was a little more dramatic than most years. We doubled with Stef and Aaron Godwin and drove down to Liberty Park. The hard part was that we could not find a parking spot, so Tyson made one. Aaron moved a garbage can and we parked. The fireworks were awesome! For some reason Liberty Park always amazes me.

We walked back to the car to only find the drunk, angry guy who was very upset. Tyson and Aaron were awesome and made sure the situation did not get out of hand. Needless to say, we bonded together. We had dinner at Village Inn and played cards.

Before we knew it it was 1:30 am! Stef and Aaron left and Ty and I went straight to bed. It was really fun and I'm glad Stef and Aaron had a good time - we set them up:) I can't believe how fast time has gone by. We leave to San Francisco next week and I'm so excited see the sights of Northern California.


  1. We should have a great day today.

  2. that's really cute..wish i had one too.

  3. I love your last three posts; the "red neck" photos are way too funny. It also looks like your firework festivities went great. I get to experience my first Greenwood reunion next week, wish me luck. When you and Ty have a free weekend we should go on a camping trip or at least a fun hike and picnic. Let me know how your schedule looks. I miss you woman!!!

  4. You always take great pictures! It sounds like your summer is full of fun!
