Sunday, February 21, 2010

48 hours later ...

It's been 48 hours. We have been working non-stop to get our apartment ready before Debbie goes home. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing Debbie has been. I keep telling her that she saved our butts but she just smiles. She really does not get it . She is probably a reason why Tyson and I are not already moving back to SLC :)

Went to our new Ward today. Met a guy that grew up with Tyson's dad - naturally. Had dinner at our own table. Noticed we get free Internet - we are crossing our fingers that we can continue to enjoy that little blessing. Moved stuff to clear out Tyson's office. Said lots of prayers for lost phones, sore muscles and turkey chili. Debbie has taken a lot of pictures. Can't wait to get them and show them.

So far it does not feel real. It feels like a fun vacation. I'm pretty sure once Debbie goes home at 10:34 am tomorrow - it will hit me. Still, I can't help but think of our blessings and of the awesome things we will do here.

One word to describe today: Grateful


  1. Can't wait to see pics - love you lots!

  2. Hi Guys! How are ya?! Are you loving the new adventure? We miss you already. Opp mtg was very quiet without martha:) keep us posted!

  3. Glad to know you made it! Hope everything in your new home is going great.
