Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Life ...

Remember that wonderful weekend we went to Logan for Grandpa Gerber's funeral? How amazing it was and how it made me reaffirm to live a better life? Ah that was a great weekend. Family pictures, bear lake, eating, bear lake, visiting family, bear lake, swimming ... oh did I mention Bear Lake? It really was a perfect weekend.

that is ...

until I realized I could not find my purse. Of course the entire family search high and low. Of course I filled a out a police report - because hey, why not right?

Still, I'm purse-less and feel really dumb. Funny how I will laugh about this in a year or so, but for right now, I'm just super sad. Not freaking out though. I owe that to lots of prayers for comfort.

So life it's been pretty crazy since we got back. Good appointments, bad appointments. Getting so car sick that I stayed out in the car while Tyson did a KT.

So life keep coming. We are so blessed and we will continue to be blessed. Thanks for all the ups and downs and little lessons you teach us.



1 comment:

  1. losing a purse is the worst...good luck getting all your cards and stuff replaced!
