Sunday, March 25, 2012

We had a grear lesson in church today about teaching youth about life and staying close to the gosple. I think about Sydney. I thought the only thing I would worry about at this age was getting sleep and getting to know her. I was expecting stress over poopy diapers, formula and not having enough diapers. What I wasn't expecting is how much I hurt for the future things Sydney will have to face. Bullies, dating, broken hearts, disappointments. It's like I think about her being 4 months and then 24! I think about her teenage years -what on earth is she going to have to face and what kind of crazy styles will she have to fight againts. The last part of the lesson had us think about what we would want to tell youth about what we learned. I've really been thinking about what I learned loved when I was in my teens. .i do remember thnking that this was it, that somehow after 18 life would just stop. I was sooo wrong. Life just starts and gets better and better! Being 11 years out of high school, I can honestly say that there were the best 11 years so far.
I plan to write a letter to Sydney this week - with advice that comes from being 29, not 40 or something crazy. it's alot of deep stuff I did not think I would really worry about so soon - but I do. I've had this crazy fear the last couple of days that she might be sad inside. Call me crazy. I worry that she is sad or bored or wishing she was with another family. I worry I'm doing it wrong, what ever "it" means anyway. Tyson keeps telling me I am doing great and that Sydney is a happy baby who is lucky to have us as parents - I feel we are lucky to have her. She has brought so many new cool things into our life.
Yesterday we went to a quick bbq with the Meakins and Gardner family. They have cafe rio pork - so good. Sydney was down at 7 pm. We talked to my mom and Julio on the phone, then watched survivor. Church was good. This week should be pretty chill. Tyson has a big managers meeting wth Extra Space and is excited about it. He is really enjoying the new challenge and his time management is getting so good. This feels like really ramdom posting but its good to get your feelings out.
BTW - Ive lost 10 lbs so far! I am 7 lbs away from my pre-prego weight. I'm loving working out and running with Sydney.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...How I love you guys!!!!! Total normal feelings Martha I feel them daily and my chidlets are years closer to those older years!!!! So scared for them...and us! :{
