Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sydney 4 Months

Sydney Fun Facts:

1. You grab things now. You love your play mat and came make the big bumble bee make noise

2. You put anything made out of cloth to your mouth. You love the teething blankie we bought you and chow down on the froggies ears.

3. You go to bed between 6:30 - 7 pm, have a dream feed at 10 pm and then stay down until 7 am the next morning.

4. You recognize mommy and daddy. You follow up across the room

5. You are officially giggling. You love when we kiss you neck, give you belly raspberries and play peek-a-boo

6. You still love your baths even though we have cut back to twice a week

7. You love to be put up in the air and look like you are flying

8. You love it when we sing to you, specially "in the jungle", "popcorn popping" and "heavenly father loves me"

9. You hate sleeping anywhere else but your bed, in fact, sleeping in the carset is pretty non existant. You might take 15 minute nap, but nothing more

10. You bumped mommy head a week go for the first time and made your first pain cry. It was high pitched and so sad/funny. You tend to be very sensative.

11. You learned to turn the pages in your books a couple days ago!

12. You can usually play independantly for 15 minutes at a time, except past 5 pm. Right before bed you become super needy.

13. Love spending Monday's with your daddy. You also are a great chiropractor companion when he has his appointments.

14. You are becoming much more of a social smiler. You will smile at strangers and are much easier to take out.

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