Sunday, April 1, 2012

Five Months

Fun Facts: Weight: 15 lbs 1 oz Height: 27 inches You are now grabbing your toes - both when you are laying down and sitting up You can sit up assisted You are much louder and love to make noises You can play independantly for 15 minutes at a time You take 2 (two-hour) and 1 (45 minutes) naps during the day You got to bed around 7:10-7:30 and sleep until 7 am You recognize mommy and daddy. When we walk into the room you light up You love songs and being sung to You love the Ergo Baby carrier and love to clean with mom in it You loving going walking and running with mom You still have your first nap after 1 hour of being awake for the day You can still wear 3 month old clothes but they are short on you You eat 6 oz every feeding You are in the 90th percentile of height and 25 percentile of weight (long and thin) You still hate tummy time if longer than 3 - 4 minutes You still get really cranky after 2 hours of wake up times You still don't have any solid foods - mostly because mom is terrified to give some to you You laught and smile sooooo much more, although never for pictures. You like to pull up your head and look like you are doing mini sit ups You love big eyes and smile when we give them to you You are an absolute joy!

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