Monday, July 16, 2012

Sick Baby

Sydney was sick for the first time last Thrusday - Saturday. It sucked. She was doing great on Thursday when we headed out to the park for a play date. It was during her 11 am feeding that I noticed she was not eating and she was getting hot. I stripped her down to her diaper and took her home early. She had a tempeture of 101.6. I immediatly gave her fever medicine and kept her super light clothing. She slept for an hour.
She woke up and was miserable the rest of the day. She would not sleep except in my arms. She was burning so it made me super hot. Tyson gave her a blessing Thursday night and her fever died down but she continued to struggle to sleep. She woke up at 8 pm, then 11 pm, then 130 am, then 230 am and finally went down. She woke up at 630 much better but still really tired. We stayed home and tried to sleep and eat more often. It was hard to see her little eyes all red. All she wanted was to be held. Friday night she slep much better and only woke up at 230. Saturday she was 90% back to normal.
She started really swatting her right ear alot. Most likely all the liquid mucus got some into her ear canal. We have been giving her ear drops and cleaning her nose so she can breath better.
It's been hard. She just wants to be held and I am so tired anyway that we are all tired. Poor Ty has been a huge help but he gets tired too. Cooking had left the house because we are all too tired to even entire the kitchen. Sunday night after a weekend of sick babies, church callings and house cleaning, the entire family was sleep at 9 pm. Sleep is the best helper to get better.
It's times like these I so wish we lived next to family. It gets lonely when the only one's that can help are exhausted themselves. I love living in Colorado but miss family alot right now.

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