Tuesday, April 1, 2014


A few weeks ago, I got rid of over half my clothes, and it was more freeing than I imagined possible. I’m back to liking everything in my closet. The excess is gone, leaving nothing but rich abundance, even though I technically have fewer items.
I think this applies to other parts of my life, too. When I step down from all commitments except the ones that truly enrich my family or myself, I actually look forward to jumping feet-first in the ones remaining. When I shun the faux junk chocolate-flavored candy-attempting-to-be-chocolate, the authentic, delectable honest-to-goodness chocolate all but melts in your mouth.
Living with less gives birth to a wealthier life: more freedom to live in the moment, more love for fewer things, more energy to invest in the commitments where I’m truly dedicated, more savoring of the truly delectable.
There’s a solid benefit to getting rid of stuff you don’t need or want—less to clean, manage, and maintain. But perhaps my favorite reason to declutter my life is this:
Everything that remains is beautiful.

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