Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sydney @ 4 Years Old

Sweet Sydney,

You are 4. You LOVE being 4. You have wanted to be 4 for months. This year you were so excited to have a birthday. It even got you in trouble at school a little bit.

We asked what you wanted to do - you wanted to go miniature golfing. You also wanted ice cream. We hit Skyline Golf course right at 10 am. The day was gorgeous - which in itself is a birthday surprise.

We also got lucky and did go-carting - which you loved.

We went to eat at Panera Bread - then you got to pick your own ice cream at Cold Stone. We opened our presents - one in the morning, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. We do this so you get surprises all day. We took a great nap and then we started trick or treating at 5:30 pm. You LOVED trick or treating! You did not want to stop and we went on for almost 2 hours.

I am so excited for you to be 4. You love school, you love to learn and read. you love being read to and especially when you get to "read" along with me.

You are very curious and you love to talk about school. Whenever it's nap time or bedtime you ask "talk to me about school" and you love to tell me over and over again about your day. You are especially loving the things you are learning at church. You are loving learning about Jesus and Temples.

You love being outside - you love to run, jump, to play in the leaves. You love jumping in the trampoline and love to be with friends. Sydney you have a very kind heart - you feel so deeply for your friends. You feel deeply when I am sad or I am angry. You are also so much more loving - you love being held, kissed. You still love your blankie.

You love playing with your sister - the big thing right now is the puppy play and mommies and daddies. You love riding your bike. You LOVE your daddy - but with all the fun games he plays - who wouldn't.

You are doing so much better at cleaning up and you understand more about taking responsibility and being good steward's over our possessions. You look more and more like your Abuelita every day and you have a very special relationship with your Grandma Gerber.

Sydney, thank you for being part of our family. Thank you for loving me despite my weaknesses. Thank you for loving your sister and daddy.

Happy 4th birthday - you are already telling me how you can't wait to be 5 :)


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