Saturday, February 11, 2017

London @ 4 Years Old


You turned 4! It felt like the whole week was a big anticipation to your birthday. You also had 3 other birthday's at your school that week - so it just kept reminding you that your's was coming up. 

This last year has been quite the experience. You really tested us during 3. You've always had a strong personality but boy did it come out. Thankfully the closer we got to 4, the more we have been able to work together and communicate more. 

You are so strong, independent and just so clear on what you want. You have no problem being by yourself and you actually are really good at recognizing when you have had enough "friend" time. 

You still deal with sensory issues and eczema issue - but you are a good sport about it. 

You have loved swimming classes and you try so hard! You finally mastered swimming on your back with Daddie's help - you were beaming! You love to help me. Just this morning we were making eggs and you said "I'll get the eggs mom - I'm a great helper" and you really are. 

You are the last one to go to bed and the first to get up - it's like you have this reserve of energy! You always come into our bed when you get up and you cuddle with us. We love it. 

You are really loving school. You moved up to Preschool and you try so hard to stay on green - it does not always happen, but we always talk about it and you always determine to do better the next day. 

You love reading and you interrupt us every 5 seconds to tell us "I'm that person" or "mom that is silly." You really notice so many details.  You also just moved up to Sunbeams at church. When we sang to you on Sunday you came out  beaming that the entire primary sang to you. 

You are still our best eater. You love bananas, blackberries and "toltilla's". 

You love your blankie and your babies. You freely give hugs and tell people "It's ok I forgive you and we all make mistakes" when something bad happens. 

You love to dance and have a really good rhythm. You have these gorgeous brown eyes - they just scream with joy. 

Oh London, I am so thankful for you. I thought you were my last baby and I loved it, but now I'm actually really excited to see you be a big sister. I just feel so much love from you. You always give me another chance and I am so thankful for that. 

Your Daddy adores you. Every night you ask him "Daddy will you protect me from the monsters" and he always says "yes I always will". Then you instantly feel better and go to bed. You two have such a special bond. 

I love you London. Happy 4th birthday!


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