Monday, February 6, 2017

This Weekend

The weekend was crazy! Add to the fact that BOTH Tyson and I are sick - I am proud that we made it.

Friday Tyson got home super early - 3 pm and just looked awful. His head hurt, so he went straight to bed and was out until the next morning. So the poor girls and I tried to make it through.

I don't even remember what we ate. But we  all went to bed at 8 pm on Friday.

Saturday my sister flew into town for a funeral. I wanted SO bad to see her but the the drive was over an hour. I had my counseling session at 10 am and then picked up lunch and I headed home. Tyson was still super sick but really wanted to see Jael. So at 2 pm, we drove to Colorado Springs. Tyson was so sick the entire way there. We stopped by Walgreens and picked up migrane medicine, caffine, and candy to keep the girls happy.

We got to the hotel and Tyson went straight to bed. Jael and I took the kids swimming. The girls loved seeing their cousins.

Tyson slept for an hour and then joined us downstairs for free dinner. Well it was going great until London threw up. Oh man!

We left the hotel at 630 but Tyson was feel much much better. Thankfully the drive was fast because of no traffic. We got home at 730 and I felt like a truck ran over me - So I went straight to bed.

The next morning we both woke up super sick still. I took the girls and got them breakfast while Tyson slept and then we switched. Thankfully the Blakely's took the girls to church so we could rest.

oh  man! It just feels like it can't get worse. I hope Tyson is all better, because both of us sick is not a good thing at all.

Thankfully that afternoon we had dinner at Jeremy's and Amy's house. It was awesome to not cook and the girls played for 3 hours straight. Everyone felt bad for me and I just laid on the couch.

We got home at 9 pm and put the girls down. We were so tired we slept until 745! Then we rushed to get the girls to school and Tyson to school.

Tyson only has a few weeks left. Going to Refactor U has been such a wild ride. In a lot of ways - it's been disappointing, but in other way's it's been the best thing for Tyson. So the real proof will be if he can get a job - oh  boy do we need him to get a job!

So that was our weekend - no photos. Too sick to move.

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