Friday, May 16, 2008

I "Vant" to Drink Your Blood ...

Tyson and I are looking for a house. We have a great Realtor and she has taken us to see at least 15 places, one problem - I am VERY picky. Seeing more than 15 homes has exposed us to some very cool things and very yucky things. Below is an example.

We saw a house yesterday, one of 8 and it seemed pretty cool from the outside. We stepped inside and checked out the rooms (small, bathrooms (only one) and the kitchen (ok). I stepped toward the garage to check it out; cracked the door and heard massive screeching!!! BATS! Holy cow this garage was filled with bats!!! Tyson did not believe when I screamed and so I told him to look himself. Same reaction! Yeah that house is on our "no" list.

The hunt continues. I'm not too pressured to make a decision right now; however, I feel very grateful that we have a business the allows us to have the option to buy a home. I'm so grateful for PFS.


  1. You should TOTALLY consider the house with the bats! You would have THE coolest house in the city for Halloween! (My favorite holiday EVER!!) That is really crazy though- didn't they realize that before they were showing the house? Good luck house hunting, where are you looking?

  2. WOW! your very first home! Good for you :) House hunting i'm sure is an adventure - but picky is good ! Afterall first home could be a reality check and its best you actually liked the home at one point.


  3. WOW! your very first home! Good for you :) House hunting i'm sure is an adventure - but picky is good ! Afterall first home could be a reality check and its best you actually liked the home at one point.


  4. Hey just think of it this way... now you don't have to worry about buying any house pets. HaHaHa!
    I understand how you are with house hunting. I am the same way, very picky. Good luck! I can't wait for you guys to get your first home its so exciting!!

  5. Good luck house hunting; how exciting (although time consuming). What places are you looking at in the Valley (like Sandy, Taylorsville, etc)?

