Monday, June 23, 2008


5 Things I Was Doing 5 Years Ago:
Going to SLCC, serving in Institute Council, skydiving, boating, living at home, dating several guys

5 Things On My To-Do List:
Clean my house, order birth control, wash my hair, finish office work and kiss my husband

5 Favorite Snacks/Food:
Cheese Nips, Peanut Sauce, strawberry ice-cream, bread pudding, snores with peanut butter

5 Things I Would Do if I Were a Billionaire:
Retire my parents, set up mission/college/wedding funds for my kids, create a great retirement, travel to Nicaragua, give money to each of my siblings.

5 Bad Habits:
Picking my face, biting my nails, not washing my dishes, being clingy, impatient driving

5 Places I've Lived:
SLC, UT; Managua,Nicaragua .. that's it, but I plan on living in Hawaii, the east coast and Europe someday.

5 Things Under $10 I Can't Live Without: Nail polish, ice-cream, toothbrush and toothpaste, body scrubber, face wash

5 Favorite Movies: Transformers, While you were Sleeping, Father of the Bride, Iron Man, Charly

5 Favorite Kid Names (or names I would have used for a girl if I had one): Ninoska; Emma; Nicole; Jackson; Boston.

5 Thing Always in My Purse: Cell phone; Keys; Checkbook; lip balm; floss.

5 Current Obsessions: HGTV, cleaning, working out, my business

5 Places I'd Love to Go: Bali; Australia; India; Eastern Europe; any beach would do right now...