Monday, June 16, 2008

Two Years

Not to take away from Father's Day and all, but Ty reminded me of something. It was two years ago on Father's Day that Ty first met my family. It was frankly the first time him and I really hung out one on one. It's amazing how fast time goes by and how much has happened. Since meeting Tyson my life has completely changed and I'm a far better person because of it. So here is a tribute to Tyson and the new things I have done because of him:

I have started my own business - that alone deserves and award
I have traveled 4 times and three different states since we have been married
I went through the temple
I went to Bear Lake
I got up on wake boards
I believe in myself more
I am more patient
I can laugh at more things
I can accept change
I became a sister and daughter in law
I enjoy visiting more
I do more service
I dream bigger
I work harder
I read a book a month
I associate with amazingly successful people
I feel loved everyday
I have a constant supportive buddy
I never go to bed feeling sad
I wake up next to the person I love
I look forward to someday having children
I accept the fact that I'll have a dog someday

It's been an amazing two years, hard at times but I am so glad he is with me. I could honestly not think of anyone else that would be a better fit for me. I love you Tyson. I'm so grateful for you. Thank you for believing in me and loving me. You are my why.


  1. Herman - Great Posting!! Makes me want to write down small accomplishment - Its good to be married to someone that's so great!!!!

  2. Tyson-
    You make me look like a loser. Thanks a lot! I hope you had a Happy Father's Day. Peace out! DT

  3. Happy Anniversary Friends! We sure love you guys!

    Heather and Phil!

  4. What a sweet post! You two have accomplished a lot and you work so well together. Here is to the next 50 years! :)

  5. Thats awesome all that you have accomplished! Good for you!
    Are you guys going to the family reunion over the 4th?

  6. Ahem ahem, I think you may have forgotten something else MONUMENTAL in your life about two years ago... ahem ahem. Its all right, out of sight, out of mind, I see how it is. Just remember, I'm gonna be back in sight pretty soon here sister! So watch out! ;D

  7. I am so happy for you two. Having a good husband is the best thing in the world.
