Monday, June 30, 2008

The Glory of Tyson With Kids

James is here. Tyson's five-year old nephew stayed with us for two whole days - and he lived to tell the story. Don't get my wrong, I'm not awful with kids, but I lack the oh-so-useful mother instinct that is necessary when watching any kids. The result, Ty played with him pretty much all day, while my OCD tendency to clean up had me following his little tracks to pick up all the toys ... all in vain by the of the day.

Again, I was impressed by Ty and his never ending imagination and patience with children. He's great, no, he's amazing with them. During church James loved the new primary and was so excited when we sang a welcome song. During sacrament he was busy transforming a paper into an airplane. Chenille bought him a Transformer Bumble Bee and he was excited to show anyone willing to listen how to transform it.

I have to say that as much as he did put me out of my comfort zone, I learned a lot about myself and really just was able to relax and enjoy the moment - something that I find hard to do in my quest to achieve pretty much everything in life. Children are such a blessing. Children put life into the real perspective and make you think outside yourself for a change.

Don't get me wrong, my birthing time is years away, but slowly and surely, my heart is opening for the wild adventure called parenthood. I'm just glad I have an amazing guy to show me the way. I love you Tyson.

P.S. Blame the lack of pictures to the "internal error" blogger is having

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