Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chicken vs Woman

There are people who are amazing cooks. There are also some people who hate cooking. Then there's me.

I want to be an amazing cook but also hate some aspects of it. Mostly touching yucky stuff.

Thanks to modern food production - I can get chicken breast cut,trimmed and frozen. No yuckiness needed. So what happens when Martha is told that cooking a whole chicken is cheaper and better for you? She sends sweet Tyson to buy a whole chicken - which is in fact cheaper. She is excited for her new adventure.

What I was not prepared for is how yucky it feels to touch it. I got up this morning all excited to put the chicken in the crockpot, leave it for 8 hours and have some fantastic dinner when I finished work. I opened the chicken and the book said "take out the neck and clean out the cavity" ... the what? I tried to YouTube this process with no luck. I would try to clean the chicken and then got totally grossed out! Who does this?! I realized that I probably need to have the chicken thaw out a little more - so there you have it. As of this minute my whole chicken is sitting in really cold water to defrost . I am secretly putting touching it off because it felt so gross.

Now I see why people do the whole pre-packaged, pre-cut , pre-gross stuff. I'm not giving up, I just thought it was hilarious that I reacted this way or how clueless I really am when it comes to this cooking thing.

I know I don't suck at cooking, but I am definetly an amateur.

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